Leia as sentenças e marque a opção CORRETA .
1A Pollution is a form of contamination that often results from human activity.
1B Pollution is a form of contamination often resulting from human activity.
2A A moon is a natural satellite which orbits around a planet.
2B A moon is a natural satellite orbiting around a planet.
3A A depression is a serious economic downturn that originates from a variety of factors, including overexpansion of commerce, industry, or agriculture, back failures, or war.
3B A depression is a serious economic downturn originating from a variety of factors, including overexpansion of commerce, industry, or agriculture, bank failures, or war.
4A A parliament is a national governing body which has the highest level of legislative power within a state.
4B A parliament is a national governing body with having the highest level of legislative power within the state.
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