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Rio de Janeiro UFRJ 2005.1 Questão: 10 Inglês Interpretação de Texto 

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Alan Riding
Celebrity and ridicule in Britain’s art world

LONDON - There were the inevitable chuckles the other day when an overnight cleaner at London’s Tate Britain museum threw out a plastic bag full of garbage because it looked like, well, garbage. The joke – to those who found it funny – was that the bag was part of a work by the veteran German-born artist Gustav Metzger called, somewhat aptly, “Recreation of the First Public Demonstration of Auto-Destructive Art.”

Actually, the joke – to those so amused – was a reprise. Three years earlier, another cleaner in a Mayfair gallery set about tidying up a post-party mess of dirty coffee cups and ashtrays, empty beer bottles, paintbrushes, candy wrappers and strewn newspapers. Yes, you guessed. It was an art installation, this time by the enfant terrible of British contemporary art, Damien Hirst, he of shark-informaldehyde and maggot-filled cow’s head fame.

(International Herald Tribune, Sep. 16, 2004:2)

Responda em português.

O que levou os dois faxineiros mencionados no texto a cometer o mesmo ato equivocado?

O fato de terem confundido obras de arte com lixo.



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