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Rio de Janeiro UFRJ 2004.1 Questão: 1 Inglês Interpretação de Texto 


Please, Make it Stop!!!

Last summer the Washingtonbased Internet civil-liberties group Center for Democracy Democracy & Technology set out to get to the bottom of the online scourge known as spam. It set up hundreds of dummy e-mail accounts to measure how and why they attracted unsolicited messages. The project led to a report, released last month, with recommendations on how to protect your IN box. It found that e-mail addresses posted on public Web sites are easily collected by automated harvesting software. If you must post your address on a Web page, the report suggests using “BobatNEWSWEEKdot-com’: rather than the conventional bob@newsweek.com. The study also found that much spam is generated by so-called brute-force attacks: spammers simply guessing user names. So, CDT recommends using longer and less intuitive e-mail addresses (not bob@aol.com).

(New sweek, June 2. 2003, p. 6)

Responda em português.

Que procedimento foi adotado para colher os dados da pesquisa descrita?

Criaram-se (centenas de) contas de endereço eletrônico falsas (para medir como e por que tais contas atraíam mensagens não solicitadas).



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