“I Love You, But...”
“Honey, I Love You BUT...”
is NOT a declaration of love.
Joy Stevens
Declaration of love, manipulation, power play,
or verbal abuse?
What is it?
It is so sweet and tender to begin a sentence with this declaration of love. After all, it can be said with a smile on the face and innocent patience in the voice. But is it tender and loving? No! It is actually a strategy for power and control by guilt. The “Ilove- you-but... person” uses negativity for leverage. [...] It can also be quite psychologically damaging, then, to be in a relationship with this person. Your partner is constantly belittling you while hiding behind a guise of love. You are being manipulated in a power play. You are probably confused and often feeling guilty. You are being verbally abused!
Disponível em: <http://www.cyberparent.com/abuse/but.htm>. Acesso em: 13 set. 2010. [Excerto]
leverage: poder
belittling: depreciando, deprimindo
guise: aparência
Taking into account this power relationship where one manipulates the other, which statement is related to the person who is being manipulated?
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