In relation to the ethnic issue, it is absolutely necessary that the Brazilian republican society should recognize the discrimination that has happened since the country's foundation, and propose effective solutions to solve this debt. Nevertheless, solutions restricted to the access to universities, without being extended to other institutions and/or spaces of the society in order to create real opportunity for the formation of a new elite, and ensure the participation of this contingent in the decision process of the Brazilian society, seem like a populist incoherence, or like a demagogic simplification.
FRY, P.; MAGGIE, Y. Peter Fry and Yvonne Maggie about quotas in universities – Simon's Blog.
Disponível em: < /2006/04/21/quotas-inbrazilianuniversities-the-online-debate/>. Acesso em: 10 fev. 2009. (Adaptado).
Who will pay off the “debt” mentioned in the text? The
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