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Goiás UEG 2014.1 1ª Fase Questão: 3 Inglês Interpretação de Texto 

Social media impacts real relationships

Many couples have met through social media, which can be a great way to meet friends. There can be a downside, though, since chatting with friends on social media can pose risks to marriages and other relationships. Out of 50 couples married in the U.S. in 2011, at least one met through a social networking site, according to The Wedding Report. Social media sites are diversified in their functions, and starting intimate connections, whether marital or not, is just one of them. However, four of five U.S. divorce attorneys say they have seen a rise in cases with social networking involved, according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. One consequence is the danger some relationships end up in due to networking on social media sites. The word Facebook was included in more than a third of divorce filings last year, according to a survey done by Divorce Online and reported on by the Wall Street Journal.

"When we look at social media, I see it as changing relationships in a couple of key ways," said Rachna Jain, a psychologist by training with clinical specialization in couple and marital therapy. "It is definitely another distraction from primary relationships. You see that when people are talking on Facebook, not to their partner, with them right there in the room. There is the possibility to go back in time. Facebook makes that really easy."

Disponível em: <http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865576858/Social-media-impacts-
real-relationships.html?pg=all>. Acesso em: 7 out. 2013. (Adaptado).


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