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Goiás UEG 2006.1 1ª Fase Questão: 13 Inglês Interpretação de Texto 



1    In less than 30 days, the people of the town of Goiás shifted from euphoria to desolation. December 2001 is 2    part of local history as the month in which the town was included in Unesco’s World Heritage list. The city
3    was still commemorating when, on the night of December 30, the Rio Vermelho flooded in mud, pain and
4    destruction, bringing the city to the brink of loosing [sic] all previous effort.
5    But local people soon decided to start from the beginning again, setting out for the reconstruction of the town
6    and the struggle for the maintenance of the title.
7    It was nothing new in the life of the 30,000 inhabitants of Goiás’ former capital. The idea can be traced back
8    to 1990, when the mayor started the campaign. Some years later, local writer Bernardo Élis sent former
9    president Fernando Cardoso a new request.
10  But Unesco made many demands before accepting the request. The city should start an extensive
11  preservation and urban development programme, which dealt with details like pollution and the impact of
12  tourism.

QUEIROZ, Renato. Trad. de Wolney Unes. O Popular, 31/05/2005, p. 22.

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