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Rio Grande do Sul Puc-RS 2014.1 Questão: 54 Inglês Interpretação de Texto 





Differences of fl oral resource use between honey bees and wild bees in an intensive farming system

  1. Bees provide an essential pollination service for crops
  2. and wild plants. However, substantial declines in bee
  3. populations and diversity have been observed in Europe
  4. and North America for the past 50 years, partly due to the
  5. loss of natural habitats and reduction of plant diversity
  6. resulting from agricultural intensifi cation. To mitigate
  7. the negative effects of agricultural intensifi cation, agrienvironmental
  8. schemes (AES) have been proposed to
  9. sustain bees and other pollinators in agrosystems. AES
  10. include the preservation of semi-natural habitats such as
  11. grasslands, fallows, woodlots, hedgerows or set-aside
  12. fi eld margins. However, empirical evidence suggests that
  13. the use of those semi-natural habitats by bees may vary
  14. greatly among bee functional groups and may further
  15. be infl uenced by the presence of alternative foraging
  16. habitats such as mass-fl owering crops. The present study
  17. sets out to investigate whether the three bee groups
  18. typically targeted by AES (honey bees, bumble bees
  19. and other wild bees) differ in the way they use those
  20. semi-natural habitats relative to common mass-fl owering
  21. crops (oilseed rape, sunfl ower, alfalfa) in an intensive
  22. agricultural farming system. A clear segregation pattern in
  23. the use of fl oral resources appeared between honey bees
  24. and wild bees, with the former being tightly associated
  25. with mass-fl owering crops and the latter with semi-natural
  26. habitats. Bumble bees had an intermediate strategy and
  27. behaved as habitat generalists. Therefore, it would be
  28. sensible to treat the three bee groups with distinct AES
  29. management strategies, and to further consider potential
  30. effects on AES effi ciency of alternative foraging habitats in
  31. the surrounding. This study also stresses the importance
  32. of native fl oral resources, particularly in semi-natural
  33. herbaceous habitats, for sustaining wild bee populations.

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01678809. Acesso em set 2013.

I. Declines in bee populations have been detected over the last 50 years in Europe and North America.
II. Agricultural intensifi cation causes the loss of natural habitats and reduction of plant diversity.
III. Agri-environmental schemes have already been used to mitigate the effects of pollination.

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