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Paraná Puc-PR 2014.2 Questão: 49 Inglês Interpretação de Texto 




Michelangelo’s David at Risk From Weak Ankles Michelangelo’s David risks crumbling down under its own weight because of the statue’s weak ankles. Alarm bells sounded after researchers carried out a series of centrifuge tests on small-scale plaster replicas of the marble masterpiece. Apparently, damage caused by the statue's inclination is placing the great art work at risk, according to researchers at Italy's National Research Council (CNR) and the University of Florence. The experiments revealed that under high-stress conditions, the statue would break along small cracks currently visible in the left ankle and in the lower part of the carved tree stump supporting the right leg.

Disponível em: <http://news.discovery.com/history/art-history/michelangelosdavid-at-risk-from-weak-ankles-140501.htm>. Acesso em maio de 2014.

Select the alternative that is TRUE according to the text.






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