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São Paulo ITA 2009.2 Questão: 41 Inglês Interpretação de Texto 

Time, July 14, 2008 (adapted).

Considere as seguintes frases extraídas do texto e as respectivas reescritas.

I. ... a young engineer dons a firefighter’s uniform that has been in testing for six months. (parágrafo 1) ... a firefighter’s uniform that has been in testing for six months is donned by a young engineer.
II. ... Commission-funded teams have already produced prototypes with limited commercial availability... (parágrafo 3) ... prototypes with limited commercial availability have already produced by Commission-funded teams.
III. ... researchers are testing a glove made by Smartex, an Italian smart-materials company, ... (parágrafo 6) ... a glove made by Smartex, an Italian smart-materials company, has been tested by researchers.

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